The Library at the Ghetto Fighters’ House (GFH) was established in order to collect and preserve any published material about the Jewish People during the Second World War, the Holocaust and Jewish Resistance, as well as material about the Jewish world that was and no longer exists. The Library collection serves as commemoration of those people and places, while enabling study, inquiry and research.
As part of fulfilling the purpose of instilling this knowledge in present and future generations, we encourage individuals and groups to visit and conduct activities in the GFH Library (By appointment only).
The Library holds approximately 60,000 titles in various languages, on the following topics:
- Memorial books of communities describing Jewish life and culture prior to WWII and the Holocaust during which they were destroyed
- Books of testimony and memoirs written by Holocaust survivors
- Works of nonfiction, fiction, academic texts and research dealing with the Holocaust, Jews and Judaism, Zionism and related topics
- Photograph albums documenting Jewish life in the ghettos and camps, and the various aspects of WWII (the war’s progress; the combatant forces and their arms; Nazi Germany in wartime, etc.)
- Nazi and antisemitic literature in the original language (German, Romanian, French, and others) and in translated editions.
- Books in Yiddish: literature (fiction), testimonies and memoirs
- Edu-kits, lesson plans and study guides for teaching Holocaust topics
- Journals about the Holocaust, Zionism and Jewish history
- Art books featuring the works of Jewish and non-Jewish artists and information about them; artists who depicted the experiences of the Holocaust in drawing, painting and sculpture
- Films: documentary and fiction on Holocaust topics, in videotape and DVD format (for onsite viewing; not for loan or copying)
The Library catalogue is available on-line and can be accessed for free:
On-Line Library Catalogue
The Library staff, along with other Museum departments, provides assistance to students and teachers (scheduled in advance):
Preparing materials for school groups traveling to Poland or other commemoration sites
Collecting materials for preparing texts for Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Day and for the journey to Poland
Preparing study materials for groups and individuals: for school assignments, seminar papers and academic work at every level
The GFH Library is open to the public at no charge, and offers attentive and professional service to visitors' requests.