Yad Layeled

Opening hours

Sunday through Thursday: 9:00 – 16:00
Fridays, Saturdays and eves of holidays: Museum closed

Contact us

Phone: 04-9958044/6
Fax: 04-9958047

Contact Yad Layeled

"Yad Layeled" was established with the aim of providing children of today a first acquaintance with the world of children who lived during the Holocaust.  The museum exhibitions are based on authentic stories taken from diaries and testimonies of children who lived during the Holocaust.

The exhibitions are three-dimensional constructions that incorporated documentary films, authentic artifacts, as well as audio and video installations.  Visitors are allowed to touch and feel the displays and to explore the exhibitions both in and around the displays.

"Yad Layeled", the first and only museum of its kind in Israel and worldwide, introduces young visitors (from age 10 and up) through the personal experiences of children who lived in Europe during that period.


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